71 Area Code

71 Area Code Mobile phones use geographic area codes two digits after that all numbers assigned to mobile service have nine digits starting with 6 7 8 or 9 example 55 15 99999 9999 90 is not possible because collect calls start with this number

This table lists in its first column the initial digits of the country code shared by each country in each row which is arranged in columns for the last digit When three digit codes share a common leading pair the shared prefix is marked by an arrow pointing down and left to the three digit The calling chart above will help you find the dialing codes you need to make long distance phone calls to friends family and business partners around the globe Simply find and click the country you wish to call

71 Area Code


71 Area Code


Area Code Map Circa 1952


All Virginia Area Codes Freshdesk Contact Center Formerly Freshcaller

The table below shows all the 29 area codes in Sri Lanka Sri Lanka area codes usually have 1 or 2 digits While calling Sri Lanka from abroad you need to dial the ISD code followed by the area code and finally the phone number The dialing code for Uzbekistan is 998 Exit codes and dialing codes are required to call from UK to Uzbekistan To call internationally from UK uses IDD code 00 IDD codes are known as exit codes and exit code 00 is UK The exit code for UK is 00 The area code for Tashkent is 71

Country codes are used to dial phone numbers internationally Each country has an assigned code of its own In order to dial an international phone call you must always use a country code before the actual subscriber telephone number Find below all the calling codes for India and its cities and mobiles If you need to call India you can use one of our international phone cards to call India You will save up to 95 when you use our prepaid phone cards and calling cards on calls to India

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The following table lists in service North American area codes sorted by area code Here you can find the locations and usages assigned to the area codes which are available for use in the North American Public Telephone Network For long distance calls within Brazil a zero 0 must be dialed first then a carrier selection code for example 21 for Embratel and 41 for TIM Brasil then the two digit area code then the local number

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List Of Mobile Telephone Prefixes By Country Wikipedia

Mobile phones use geographic area codes two digits after that all numbers assigned to mobile service have nine digits starting with 6 7 8 or 9 example 55 15 99999 9999 90 is not possible because collect calls start with this number

Area Code Map Circa 1952
List Of Country Calling Codes Wikipedia

This table lists in its first column the initial digits of the country code shared by each country in each row which is arranged in columns for the last digit When three digit codes share a common leading pair the shared prefix is marked by an arrow pointing down and left to the three digit


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71 Area Code - The dialing code for Uzbekistan is 998 Exit codes and dialing codes are required to call from UK to Uzbekistan To call internationally from UK uses IDD code 00 IDD codes are known as exit codes and exit code 00 is UK The exit code for UK is 00 The area code for Tashkent is 71